Also, I added a gadget that allows you to subscribe to my blog posts. Since I post so rarely, this is a great way to check if I've posted without having to visit the blog - you can just click on your bookmarks toolbar to see all the posts that are up.
This section is for those who have never subscribed to an RSS Feed before:
To subscribe to the posts, look for 'subscribe to korea!' on the right. Click on "Posts" and then choose the last option (unless one of the others is more convenient for you). This will open up a new tab asking you how you want to subscribe to the posts. Just click on "subscribe now", again, unless another option suits you better. Next you will be provided with the same options you are presented when you create a bookmark, so put the bookmark wherever you want it! If you choose to put it in your toolbar, there will be a button on your toolbar similar to the "Most Visited" and "Latest Headlines" buttons that are standard on Mozilla Firefox. Just click the button to see a list of posts, from most recent at the top to least recent at the bottom.
Lastly, I thought you all should know that John and I finally watched the Godfather, parts I-III. Now we have moved on to watching all 24 Bond films in order. We just finished You Only Live Twice and are looking forward to On Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Oh, plus this week I started tutoring two girls my age twice a week. They are the minister at my school's daughters and they're unbelievably sweet. We're all pretty excited about the deal. One of them will be working on her MFA shortly....she sculpts! I can't wait to get a picture of one of her sculptures on here. It's pretty cool.